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Experience the Yamas: A 6-Week Series to Embody Yogic Ethic Principles

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$108.00 Experience the Yamas: A 6-Week Series to Embody Yogic Ethic Principles

The Yoga Sutras are an ancient text that define the Eight Limbs of Yoga (Ashtanga) and explain in detail how to practice and live yogically. One of the 8 limbs is THE YAMAS - a set of five yogic principles that guide us how to act ethically in our lives. The yamas are the first of the eight limbs, and actually precede asana practice as part of a yogic lifestyle! In the special in-depth series, Abby will guide you to explore these five principles - not only what they are, but how to experience and embody them in your physical yoga practice. Each session will begin with discussion, followed by a yoga asana practice which will integrate the yama into the physical practice. You'll embody each yama, and learn how to take them from your yoga mat into your daily life. This series will delve into how to practice asana ethically, and how the five yamas innately guide you away from stress and towards an abiding sense of inner peace within yourself and in relation to others.

• Session 1: What are the yamas and why do we care?

• Session 2: Ahimsa | Non-Harming • Session 3: Satya | Truthfulness

• Session 4: Asteya | Non-Stealing

• Session 5: Brahmacharya | Energetic Management

• Session 6: Aparigraha | Non-Grasping

Six Mondays starting March 21 | 6:00 - 7:15pm ET All sessions will be recorded if you are unable to join live!

Abby Dobbs

Abby is a Santa Fe-based yoga teacher, bodyworker, and energyworker, who weaves together over a decade of experience to bring a holistic view of physical anatomy, energetics, and movement to her classes, workshops, and one-on-one sessions. Over the years, Abby has completed foundational and advanced yoga teacher trainings with Forrest Yoga, YogaWorks, Rocket Yoga, and Yin Yoga, as well as bodywork trainings in Massage Therapy, Craniosacral Therapy, and Myofascial Release.

Abby's unique approach to teaching yoga builds the student’s awareness and physical strength through a combination of mindfulness, intentional breathing, and movement. Each class is intelligently designed to help students learn about their body and what feels most aligned for their individual practice. Students are guided into the present moment, and to connect to a deep sense of inner peace and grounding. Off the mat, Abby offers spiritual mentorship, reads fantasy novels, cooks lots of vegan food, and snuggles her two cats Billy and Nugget. Learn more here:

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