Upcoming Workshops
Special Events and Classes
Navigating Life Changes: A Workshop for Growth & Resilience
Dates: Saturday, March 29, 2025
Location: Lighthouse Yoga Center
$36 general/$30 members
2-4pm, in-person
Life is full of change and especially these days it can feel hectic, stressful and overwhelming. It can feel hard to know which direction to head in or how to make positive, impactful change in your life. This workshop is for you if you want to make a change of any kind in your life from big changes like searching for a new job or navigating a new career, to moving from chronic feelings of stress and overwhelm to more feelings of calm, ease and joy; to finding and nurturing a new relationship; to adopting a new habit or routine. The workshop will help you clearly understand the change you want to make, quiet the mind so you can tap into the heart center to connect with your authentic self for guidance, and then develop next steps to foster personal and professional growth.
The Hatha Yoga Pradipika Book Club
Dates: Wednesday, April 02, 2025 - Wednesday, April 30, 2025
Location: Online
$90 general/$80 members
7:30-8:30pm, online only
The Ha?ha Yoga Pradipika, also known as Light on Hatha Yoga, is widely agreed to be the most influential surviving text about yoga. Written as a technical manual, it includes detailed descriptions of asana, pranayama, mudras and bandhas, as well as the states of consciousness. This medieval Indian text is full of fascinating metaphors, esoteric ideas, and a whole lot of entertaining hyperbole. Join us for this fun and nerdy book club to uncover how the original intentions and techniques of hatha yoga relate to your yoga practice today.
Becoming the Best Birth Partner - April 2025
Dates: Saturday, April 12, 2025
Location: Lighthouse Yoga Center
$95 (per couple) general/$85 members
2-5pm, In-person at Lighthouse studio.
Working with both pregnant person and partner, Rebecca will show birth partners how to guide, and support the laboring person, both at home and in the hospital, so that they can find their inner strength to bring forth baby. Together you’ll learn the basics of what to expect during labor, along with partner-enhanced poses and other relaxation techniques that you can use throughout the remainder of pregnancy and labor. The goal is to to ease stress, anxiety and pain, and to promote relaxation and calm so that you can both work to bring baby into the world surrounded with love and joy!Price is per couple.
Chakra Dance
Dates: Sunday, April 13, 2025
Location: Lighthouse Yoga Center
$36 general/$30 members
2-4pm, in-person
This Chakra dance workshop embarks on a vibrant journey unlocking the secrets of specific chakras through targeted movement. Explore your sensual connection to the earth and build confidence in session one, as you delve into the rhythm of Congolese dancing, ignite your inner fire with Jamaican wining, and awaken your grounding power with percussive hip movements from West Africa. Session two takes flight, opening your heart with the expansive movements of Eritrea and Ethiopia to move energy using liberating shoulder and neck movements , and elevating your consciousness to new heights. Dance and music become your personal alchemists, igniting the potential for healing, strength, and expanded awareness of yourself and in community. No dance or yoga experience necessary. Let this be your invitation to join a community of transformation. Are you ready to dance your chakras awake?
Earth Day Forest Bathing
Dates: Saturday, April 19, 2025
Location: Rock Creek Park
$40 general/$35 members
2-4pm, In-person only
the return of Spring with a mindful walk in nature. Join DC Certified
Forest Therapy Guide, Sarah DeWitt, in this two-hour gentle walk that
encourages you to slow down and reconnect with yourself, nature, and
your community. Forest bathing, or shinrin yoku, is the simple
practice of taking in the woods through the senses. The benefits are
numerous: boosted immunity, lowered blood pressure and heart rate,
improved attention and mood, and a chance to take an intentional break
from digital media and screen-time.
Prenatal Yoga 6-Week Series - April/May 2025
Dates: Wednesday, April 23, 2025 - Wednesday, May 28, 2025
Location: Lighthouse Yoga Center
Online In-Person
$108 general / $96 members
6:00pm-7:15pm, Online or in person.
Join birth and postpartum doula Rebecca Henry for her unique hybrid Prenatal Yoga Series!
Prenatal yoga is not just a regular yoga class adapted for pregnant people. At a time when everything is changing in your body, prenatal yoga helps moms-to-be reconnect with and build body awareness, stretch, strengthen and release the muscles most easily affected by pregnancy and foster a greater understanding of what is happening with our bodies during pregnancy and childbirth.
Postnatal Yoga 6 Week Series - April/May 2025
Dates: Friday, April 25, 2025 - Friday, May 30, 2025
Location: Lighthouse Yoga Center
Online In-Person
$108 general / $96 members
Fridays, 11am-12:15pm, online or in person.
Rest is Resistance: A Restorative Yoga Practice
Dates: Saturday, May 10, 2025
Location: Lighthouse Yoga Center
$36 general/$30 members
2-4pm, in person
Grumpy? Weary? Anxious? Resist the capitalist, patriarchal systems
designed to link your productivity to your worth by resting! Join Tara
to relax deeply and profoundly in this receptive practice of Restorative
Yoga. Unlike more active styles of yoga, Restorative Yoga is not about
stretching or building strength. Instead, this class focuses on creating
the optimal conditions to soothe your nervous system, enhance your
mental clarity, reduce stress, prevent burnout, and restore your sense
of overall well being.
Discover Your Divinity in Nature: A Yoga Retreat on magical Prince Edward Island
Dates: 6/9/2025 to 6/14/2025
Reteat with us on Prince Edward Island!
Happy Hamstrings
Dates: Saturday, July 12, 2025
Location: Lighthouse Yoga Center
$27 general/$23 members
2-3:30pm, in-person
With Tara Lemerise!
Yoga postures are particularly good at stretching the backs of your legs. This can help relieve low back and hip discomfort, and leave you feeling more grounded and steady. If you are constantly plagued by tight hamstrings, this workshop will help you explore why and help you more in the direction of more ease.