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Grief Tending: A Guided Community Support Circle

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$108.00 Grief Tending: A Guided Community Support Circle

Grief. It's one of the most inevitable and universal experiences we will have as human beings, and it can also be one of the most isolating. Come join us for this deeply meaningful circle where we will come together in community to honor our losses and our longings. Randi Hall of Realness Rising is a Grief Guide and support specialist visiting us from Philadelphia to host this unique offering. We will be exploring tools and rituals to help make grieving more approachable and less overwhelming. Also, being in a group is one of the most effective forms of medicine for navigating loss and change.

This is open to all kinds of loss including death, relationship endings, life transitions such as empty nesting or transition to parenthood, mourning a childhood you didn't get to have, moving, illnesses, injuries, general sadness and heartbreak and so much more.

Whatever hardship you're facing, you don't have to hold it alone. We got you! And you are so worth it.

During this guided grief circle we will:

    Share our stories of loss and their impact

    Connect with others who are grieving

    Learn ways to process and heal your grieving system

    Integrate through music and art making, writing, and embodied movement.

    Take breaks and practice honoring spaciousness and taking our time

Bring: a journal and pen, something physical that represents your loss or losses, and an open mind. We'll take care of the rest.

Warning: You may experience catharsis. You may run up against discomfort. You may feel revitalized. And (gasp!) You might even enjoy yourself!

Please feel free to reach out with any questions:

Randi Cutler Hall

Randi Cutler Hall, LMFT Grief Guide & Support Specialist

Hi, I'm Randi and I live for getting real with people, honoring our important life experiences, and aligning ourselves with what we are meant to do on this planet. In my work as a Marriage and Family Therapist, Grief Support Specialist, and Retreat & Workshop Facilitator, I aim to help people learn how to build relationships with themselves and others from the ground up and from the inside out, in a way that provides them with an effective system for working through life's challenges. I like to refer to this as "preventative care for relationships." Currently, I dedicate my life to helping individuals, couples, and groups improve the foundations of their most important relationships. I provide therapy sessions for individuals and couples and offer a wide variety of Grief Support Services for individuals and groups. I also facilitate Retreats, Seasonal Support Circles, Divorce Ceremonies, Personalized Memorials after a death, and Grief Trainings for Helping Professionals. I deeply value intentional endings where possible, and work to make this more common practice in our world.

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