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Sound Saturday: Listening to Heal and Connect

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$54.00 Sound Saturday: Listening to Heal and Connect - all three
$22.00 Sound Saturday: Listening to Heal and Connect - 4/13
$22.00 Sound Saturday: Listening to Heal and Connect - 4/20
$22.00 Sound Saturday: Listening to Heal and Connect - 4/27

What is sound healing, and how does it work? In this three-part journey, we will learn to invite sound into our healing, resting and meditation practices. Sound can be a simple and powerful way to reset the body and mind. Sound healing does not require musical experience, or instruments beyond the breathe and body. Each week, we will come together to understand the basic fundamentals of sound therapies, exploring the relationship between music and mood. We will each have an opportunity to play with sound healing instruments, binaural beats, chakra sounds and solfeggio tones. For our first session, we will touch upon the relationship between chakras and wellness, using our physical bodies to create and receive sound. For our second session, we will explore the relationship between mood and daily sound, and talk about how sound therapies are increasingly used to supplement treatment for anxiety and PTSD. In our last session, we will go deeper into the realm of memory and spirituality through sound. Participants are invited to bring journals, wireless headphones, and any personal noisemakers. Musical experience is absolutely unnecessary. If you like, you can share your favorite pieces with Manju in advance, and we will weave them into our time together.

“Music can lift us out of depression or move us to tears – it is a remedy, a tonic, orange juice for the ear. But for many of my neurological patients, music is even more – it can provide access, even when no medication can, to movement, to speech, to life. For them, music is not a luxury, but a necessity.” Oliver Sacks, best-selling author and professor of neurology at NYU School Of Medicine

Manju Sadarangani

Manju's yoga practice is grounded in a desire for equity, justice, emotional and mental well-being. She brings her spirit of play, body positivity and radical self-love to her Kundalini & Nidra classes. 

Born in India to a yoga teacher mother, Manju is committed to authenticity in the studio. A Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance, she connects deeply with the feminist, spiritual and historical foundations of yoga to counter problematic cultural appropriation. She relishes creating a safe space for all using breathe, color, naad, and mantras in her classes.

Manju invites you to consider yoga as a tool to recharge, resist and rebel.

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