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Special Events and Classes

From the Roots of Yoga: Yoga History and Philosophy

Dates: Saturday, September 21, 2024
Location: Lighthouse Yoga Center

$54 general/$45 members

2-5pm, in person

3 CEUs available

Starting on the banks of the Ganges all the way to your sticky mat today, yoga concepts and practice have evolved as a long and rich tradition. Part history lesson, part philosophical inquiry, this workshop begins with a bird's eye view of the yoga history timeline and an introduction to philosophies of India that have the most influence on yoga today. Tara will teach you about the four main pillars of yoga (ethics and duty, action and consequence, cycles, and freedom) and share some key concepts from The Upanishads, The Bhagavad Gita, and The Yoga Sutras. The nature of our soul, the goal of yoga practice, distractions, obstacles, and what we can expect when we attain enlightenment… yoga's take on this is all here for your consideration.

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Yoga for New Movers Sept-Oct 2024

Dates: Sunday, September 22, 2024 - Sunday, October 13, 2024
Location: Lighthouse Yoga Center

$96 general/$90 members

10:45am-11:30am, in-person

Yoga for New Movers is a playful class designed for children who are crawling to 24 months old to begin to explore yoga and movement- alongside their parent or caregiver- in a caring, safe, and FUN environment. Together we will use yoga poses, games, songs, and props that are designed to encourage body awareness, increase attention span, build confidence and strength, nurture creativity, and generally support development across this range of ages. Each class incorporates repetition, social interaction, music, fun with props, sensory exploration, sweet moments of connection between child and caregiver…and always play!

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Introduction to Pranayama + Meditation

Dates: Sunday, September 22, 2024
Location: Lighthouse Yoga Center

$36 general/$30 members

1-3pm, in person

Pranayama - the breath practices of yoga - is one of the most deeply powerful but underused and misinterpreted set of yoga tools. This session will start by helping you to understand the purpose of breathwork intellectually. Then you'll explore at least four foundational techniques experientially. Pranayama and meditation are natural companions so along with breathwork, you’ll explore several accessible and powerful approaches to meditation. This workshop includes some asana to prepare you to sit comfortably, lecture, and lots of time to practice with your breath and your mind.

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Autumn Equinox Forest Bathing

Dates: Sunday, September 22, 2024
Location: Carter Barron, Rock Creek Park

$50 general/$45 members

2-4pm, In-person only, Rock Creek Park

Celebrate the start of Autumn with a mindful walk in nature. Join DC Certified Forest Therapy Guide, Sarah DeWitt, in this two-hour gentle walk that encourages you to slow down and reconnect with yourself, nature, and your community. Forest bathing, or shinrin yoku, is the simple practice of taking in the woods through the senses.

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Exploring Consent and Boundaries: A Sky Dancing Tantra Workshop

Dates: Saturday, September 28, 2024
Location: Lighthouse Yoga Center

$36 general/$30 members

7-9pm, in-person

  Each day, we have the opportunity to make choices about how we relate to others. How often do you choose actions that nurture you and bring joy? What happens when you don't make choices that honor your highest good?

  As we navigate the complexities of our relationships, it's easy to fall into familiar patterns based on past experiences. But why do we sometimes struggle to make choices that align with our highest good? Often, limiting beliefs hold us back, preventing us from choosing what we truly desire in relationships and from setting boundaries that support our well-being.

  So how can we better listen to our body and spirit? How can we make conscious choices that serve both ourselves and our relationships?

  This two-hour workshop contains movement and playful experiential Tantra exercises that stimulate inquiry and discovery about consent and boundaries. Space is provided for reflection and discussion regarding how to integrate insights and Tantra exercises into daily life.

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Prenatal Yoga 6-Week Series - Oct/Nov 2024

Dates: Wednesday, October 09, 2024 - Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Location: Lighthouse Yoga Center
Online  In-Person

$108 general / $96 members

6:00pm-7:15pm, Online or in person. 

Join birth and postpartum doula Rebecca Henry for her unique 6-week hybrid Prenatal Yoga Series!

Prenatal yoga is not just a regular yoga class adapted for pregnant people.  At a time when everything is changing in your body, prenatal yoga helps moms-to-be reconnect with and build body awareness, stretch,  strengthen and release the muscles most easily affected by pregnancy and foster a greater understanding of what is happening with our bodies during pregnancy and childbirth.

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Postnatal Yoga 6 Week Series -Oct/Nov 2024

Dates: Friday, October 11, 2024 - Friday, November 15, 2024
Location: Lighthouse Yoga Center
Online  In-Person

$108 general / $96 members

Fridays, 11am-12:15pm, online or in person.

This postnatal class series, designed for people with babies 6-weeks to pre-crawling, will focus on exploring and learning about how the core, pelvic floor and joints can all be affected by pregnancy and how we can work to heal, strengthen and stabilize.  Restorative poses throughout each class will help soothe baby-addled nerves. And with babies welcome in class (both online or in person), you can feel free to stop your practice anytime you need to care for baby. And you'll receive a recording of each class, so if you had to leave practice to care for baby, you can pick up where you left off on the recording later! Each class gives you a chance to connect with other new parents in the community and talk about any issues you are having with your post baby body.

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Intro to Compassion Cultivation Training© 2024

Dates: Monday, October 14, 2024
Location: Online


6:30-8pm, Online.

How can we be steadfast and hopeful in the face of so much suffering and division? For some of us, the impulse is to look away, while others find they care too much and go into “empathic distress.” Join Brandel France de Bravo for a free 90-minute interactive workshop on mindfulness, meditation, and compassion. You’ll learn about the difference between empathy and compassion, get a flavor of Brandel as a teacher, and get answers to your questions about the larger  8-week Compassion Cultivation Training© course developed by Standford University that starts October 28.

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The Bhagavad Gita Book Club - Oct 2024

Dates: Wednesday, October 16, 2024 - Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Location: Online

$90 general/$80 members

Online, 7:30-8:30pm

How can we live a spiritually meaningful life without withdrawing from society and our family obligations?

How do we make it through our struggles for self-mastery?

These are the essential questions posed in the beloved and sacred ancient Hindu scripture known as The Bhagavad Gita. Sometimes criticized for contradicting itself, this insightful text appeals to seekers of all sorts, assuring us that yoga takes different forms for different people.

Join Tara Lemerise for this workshop/book club to read and unpack all of the beauty and profound wisdom in this text that will deepen your understanding of yoga.

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The Shoulder Show

Dates: Saturday, October 19, 2024
Location: Lighthouse Yoga Center

$36 general/$30 members

1:15-3:15pm, in-person with Tara Lemerise

If you are plagued by a cranky neck, limitation in your arm movements, old shoulder injuries that never seemed to heal properly, or just general grouchiness when you do the high demand upper body work in your yoga practice, this workshop is for you! Your shoulders are the stars of this show with drills and exercises focused on your upper body strength and flexibility. You’ll leave armed (pun totally intended!) with more awareness, strength, and mobility in your neck, shoulders, and upper back.

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Compassion Cultivation Training© - Fall 2024

Dates: Monday, October 28, 2024 - Monday, December 16, 2024
Location: Online

$395 general/ $335 early-bird (ends Oct 20)/members

Online, 8 Mondays, 6:30-8:30pm

 What exactly is compassion? How does it differ from empathy? And how can compassion prevent burnout, build resilience, and increase happiness? All questions you can find answers to in this course!

 Each of us is born with the capacity for compassion. It’s the seed within that has allowed the human species to evolve and flourish. Most scientists now agree that Darwin’s theories support “survival of the kindest,” not survival of the fittest! Our instinct to care is what has allowed us to adapt to changing, even challenging circumstances, and thrive. However, the seed of compassion, like any seed, needs tending. We have to cultivate compassion because there are many forces in society that mitigate against it taking root and growing tall. Meditation can help us nourish the soil and water the seedling. Similarly, learning to practice compassion in our day-to-day life is an exercise we can do that’s good for those we interact with, but also good for ourselves—like training at the gym. And just as there is sports science, there is compassion science!

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Rest For All: Restorative Yoga Teacher Training - 2024

Dates: Saturday, November 02, 2024 - Sunday, November 03, 2024
Location: Lighthouse Yoga Center

$225 general/$195 members

1-7:30pm Saturday and Sunday, in person

Some of our deepest experiences of connection with our most authentic self (yoga!) happen when we have the opportunity to stop working to control our body and mind and we rest with support, awareness, and intention. Restorative Yoga is a powerful way to experience this shift. Join Tara for this powerful and in-depth 12 hour teacher training.

This training is ideal for:
- New yoga teachers who want to continue to learn
- Experienced yoga teachers who want to expand their yoga teaching skills and offerings
- Anyone interested in deepening their understanding and experience of Restorative Yoga

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Yoga for Tots (children's yoga, age 2 to 4) - Fall 2024

Dates: Sunday, November 03, 2024 - Sunday, November 24, 2024
Location: Lighthouse Yoga Center

$64 general/$55 members

4 Sundays, 10:45-11:30am

Yoga for tots is a playful class designed for toddlers ages 2-4 years old to begin to explore yoga- alongside their parent or caregiver- in a caring, safe, and FUN environment. Together we will learn yoga poses and games that are designed to encourage body awareness, increase attention span, nurture creativity, and generally support development across this range of ages. Each class incorporates repetition, social interaction, music, fun with props, sensory exploration…and always play!

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Samhain Sound Immersion - 2024

Dates: Sunday, November 03, 2024
Location: Lighthouse Yoga Center

$60 general/$50 members  

6-7:30pm, In-person only

The harvest season, also known as Samhain, Autumn, or Fall, presents a brief opportunity for self-care between the busy summer months and the onset of holiday festivities. We invite you to take a deep breath and immerse yourself in a 90-minute, one-of-a-kind sound experience, using sound vibrations to clear your energetic pathways and allow your body to release tension and find rest.

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